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President's Emerging Leaders Program

Dr. Timothy F. Winters, Director     Headshot of Dr. Winters 

 Dr. Winters earned his B.A. with Honors in Greek at the University of Arizona.  He completed the M.A. and Ph.D. at The Ohio State University. He spent two years studying archaeology and history at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens (www.ascsa.edu.gr), where he did doctoral research as a Fulbright Fellow. Dr. Winters has taught Classics since 1990 at various universities, and he has been at Austin Peay State University since 1997.  During his tenure here at 365bet, Dr. Winters has served four terms as Faculty Senate President, and has held various other offices on the executive committee of Faculty Senate, as well as serving on many departmental, college level, and university-wide committees.

You can contact him at winterst@sentian-pack.com or 931-221-7118. 


Delaney Atkins

Ms. Delaney Atkins is the Administrative Assistant for the President's Emerging Leaders Program and Honors Program. She graduated from Austin Peay State University with her Masters of Arts in English in 2020 and with her Bachelors of Science in English with a minor in Professional Writing in 2018. She is also an instructor for Honors and has interests in poetry, Victorian literature, and music. 

You can contact her at atkinsd@sentian-pack.com or 931-221-7403.